Broadbent Law Blog
Archive by tag: suspensionReturn

Be Careful of License Suspensions

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In Massachusetts, almost all moving violations are characterized as "surchargeable events." With a moving violation, if it is surchargeable, your insurance company has the right to surcharge your insurance. What that amounts to is an increase of approximately 10% of your premium per year for 3 to 6 years.
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| Categories: General, Traffic, Insurance Surcharge, CDL, Speeding, Suspensions | Tags: license suspension, insurance, surcharge, ticket | View Count: (2184)

Suspension for Immediate Threat

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The Registry of Motor Vehicles has discretion to suspend your license as an immediate threat if it is deemed you are a danger on the road. An attorney can help you navigate the process of reinstating your license with an immediate threat suspension.
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| Categories: Suspensions | Tags: Suspensions, Immediate Threat, RMV | View Count: (5574)

Why fight it?

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In Massachusetts, a speeding ticket is a civil offense. Unlike criminal offenses, it is not mandatory to appear in court. You have the choice to either accept responsibility and pay the ticket, or appeal the ticket and fight it.
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| Categories: Traffic, Speeding, Junior Operator License (JOL) | Tags: fight speeding ticket, cdl, massachusetts, jol, license suspension | View Count: (2075)
In Massachusetts, the state and local police are out in full force during the summer months handing out speeding tickets and other traffic violations.
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| Categories: Traffic, Speeding, Suspensions | Tags: traffic ticket, speeding ticket, suspension | View Count: (1476)
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