Broadbent Law Blog
Archive by tag: massachusettsReturn

Why fight it?

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In Massachusetts, a speeding ticket is a civil offense. Unlike criminal offenses, it is not mandatory to appear in court. You have the choice to either accept responsibility and pay the ticket, or appeal the ticket and fight it.
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| Categories: Traffic, Speeding, Junior Operator License (JOL) | Tags: fight speeding ticket, cdl, massachusetts, jol, license suspension | View Count: (2075)

Known Sperm Donor Agreements

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Often, a woman may choose to use a known sperm donation rather than an anonymous donor from a sperm bank. There are many benefits from using a known sperm donor, but it also opens the door to many potential pitfalls.
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| Categories: Civil Law, Family Law, Child Custody | Tags: attorney, child custody, child support, contract, domestic relations, donor rights, family law, known sperm donor, lawyer, massachusetts, paternity, sperm donation | View Count: (2373)
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